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The: Why can't they put control in the wrightWWWWUUUAAEEEOPJDFSAIOPFGGAHHH!!!!!!

WRONG      ->      RIGHT

Will someone please explain why the control key has been renegated to the bottom of the keyboard?

Maybe it's because I don't use usenet but I find I use the control key way more often than I use the Caps Lock key. So why has it been renegated out of range of touch typists? Touch typists frequently want to search, move to the begining of a line, delete stuff move to the end of a line and so on they don't want to have to movethe mouse or loose registration by having to move down to some god forsaken end of the keyboard to use "Editting keys". So WHY WHY WHY WHY?

Anyway this page is to be a resource for fixing it under different "operating systems":

First up: Everybody's Favourite pretend operating system: WIN32
Answer from (microsoft):
in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout
    create the value Scancode.Map of type REG_BINARY with the folowing data in
    00000000 00000000 0300000000 3A001D00 1D003A00 00000000

Next up X11:
Answer from (me):
xmodmap - << EOF
remove Lock = Caps_Lock
remove Control = Control_L
keysym Control_L = Caps_Lock
keysym Caps_Lock = Control_L
add Lock = Caps_Lock
add Control = Control_L