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Earth view displays a view of the earth from space (inspired by this this I wanted to do better). My version displays coulds from weather satellites and ice from sea surface temperature observations I also used the NASA blue marble surface color dataset rather than Living earth's. For a slightly more detailed (but pretty) description of how it's done click here.

You can download the (many) programs which do this and view the earth from anywhere you like. You can download only the prog file if you like but then earthview will download about another 2.0Gb of data, if you also untar the data file (making sure you preserve times) then you'll only need to download the data which changes.

As I wrote the program for me, you should be aware that when it first compiles it will try to install a cgi-bin script if you have an /export/home/httpd/cgi-bin directory - don't say I didn't warn you, and no that script isn't installed on any machine where you can get at it.

There are some animations covering about 12 days, avaiable in various formats:

The source and data files are availiable here.