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Weblog #2, archive for Tuesday October 07, 2003

For all of you following my computer purchasing decisions here are two machines I will be evaluating shortly.

The first is an 800MHz FSB P4 machine with two PC3200 DDR (that 400MHz to you an I) busses, and a dubious RAID controller.

The second is a 533Mz FSB P4 with two PC2100 DDR (that's 266MHz) and a promise RAID controller.

Anyhow here are the bits with various options, with order codes and prices from DABS.

First the 800FSB machine with the (possibly) dodgy RAID controller.

Giagbyte GA-8IK1100 DABS 2LLYWS 1 103
Intel P4 2.60 800FSB DABS 2HNLWS 1 187
Kingston 512MB PC3200 ECC DABS 2HQPWS 0 or 2 116
Crucial 256Mb Unbuf CL3 PC3200 DABS 2M12WS 0 or 2 36.78
Generic Geforce4 MX400 64MB DABS 2S03WS 1 29.5
IBM 123.5Gb IC35L120AVV2071 DABS 27TJWS up to 4 78

Next up is the 533MHz machine

Giagbyte GA-8INXP DABS 2BDQWS 1 131
Intel P4 2.66 533FSB DABS 24SWWS 1 173
Crucial 512Mb ECC Unbuf CL2.5 PC2100 DABS 17BMWS 0 or 2 83.41
Crucial 256Mb ECC Unbuf CL2.5 PC2100 DABS 14VQWS 0 or 2 41.7
Generic Geforce4 MX400 64MB DABS 2S03WS 1 29.5
IBM 123.5Gb IC35L120AVV2071 DABS 27TJWS up to 4 78

You'll need a bunch of Maplin UY81C hard disk coolers and a box and PSU and the like. DABS 236YWS looks like an OK PSU if you're going to build a server class machine. I'll put up a new copy of my benchmarks once I've finished testing the 800MHz machine.